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"Beo-su Jeong-nyu-jang "
The Bus is Late. Life is Paused. Finding Dreams Can Wait.
cyberbarf JUNK SLEEP ARTICLE The pandemic has caused many changes across the globe. But it has also shed light on other problems. There is junk sleep, a malady that affects many people. Junk sleep is the disruption of a person's sleep cycle. The causes can include diet, alcohol, routine, habit and technology. Medical News Today defines the importance of sleep. During sleep, the brain moves through four different stages. One of these stages is rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. During this phase, the eyes move rapidly in various directions. People typically enter REM sleep within the first 90 minutes of falling asleep. As the sleep cycle repeats, REM sleep occurs several times while a person is resting. It accounts for approximately 20Š25 percent of an adult's sleep cycle and over 50 percent of an infant's. Most dreams occur during REM sleep. This is a stage that may play a role in learning, memory, and mood. During REM sleep, the body and brain go through several changes including: rapid movements of the eyes fast and irregular breathing increased heart rate (to near waking levels); changes in body temperature; increased blood pressure brain activity (similar to waking levels); increased oxygen consumption by the brain; sexual arousal; and twitching of the face and limbs. Most people experience a state of temporary paralysis as the brain signals the spinal cord to cease the movement of the arms and legs. This lack of muscle activity is known as atonia, and it may be a protective mechanism to prevent injury that may result from acting out our dreams. During REM sleep, people may experience vivid dreams due to the increase in brain activity. Before entering the REM sleep phase, the body goes through each of the stages of non-REM sleep. In Stage 1, a person is between being awake and asleep or is in a state of very light sleep. In Stage 2 , a person is in a slightly deeper sleep. Body temperature drops, and heart rate slows down. Most people spend around half of their total sleep time in this stage. In Stages 3, a person is in a state of deep and restorative sleep known as slow-wave sleep or delta sleep. The muscles relax, the supply of blood to the muscles increases, and the body repairs and grows tissue. People enter the REM sleep phase following the above stages. This is the stage of sleep during which most people dream, though this may also happen in non-REM sleep. Any disruption of the normal sleep cycle affects the purpose of sleep: rest and recovery. It also includes the brain sorting information to create memories. A lack of REM sleep may have adverse implications for physical and mental health. Learning and memory is the function of the brain as it processes information and consolidates memories during sleep. As a result, sleep deprivation can negatively affect a person's working memory. A 2016 study involving healthy adolescents also found that sleep deprivation could increase the risk of forming false memories. Parents of teenagers are likely familiar with the array of media devices: iPads, TV, cell phones, stereos, video games and computers. Studies have shown that many teens are glued to them at all hours of the day. The lure of these electronics may be damaging kids' health, causing them to not get enough sleep, nor enough quality sleep, according to a poll of 1,000 teens conducted by the Sleep Council. The survey of 12 to 16-year olds found 30 percent of teens sleep just four to seven hours a night on school nights, instead of the recommended eight to nine hours. 23 percent say they fall asleep more than once a week watching TV, listening to music or while using other electronics. What is this lack of sleep doing to all of us? According to the Harding Institute, 19 percent admitted that leaving on the TV or computer impacted the quality of their sleep. 98.5 percent have a phone, music system or TV in their bedroom and over 65 percent have all three. 40 percent say they generally feel tired. Researchers conclude that teens are getting junk sleep and it has just as much potential to impact their health as does eating junk food. Junk Sleep is sleep that is of neither the length nor quality that it should be in order to feed the brain with the rest it needs to perform properly at school or work. In a poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation(NSF), Americans sleep just 6.9 hours per night on average during the week and just 7.5 hours per night on weekends. In contrast, before the invention of the light bulb, people slept about 10 hours each night. Meanwhile, an estimated 70 million Americans are impacted by a sleep problem, according to NSF. Short sleepers have more of the hormone called ghrelin, which increases your appetite, than those who slept for eight hours. Also, the short sleepers also had 15 percent less leptin, which is a hormone that suppresses appetite. This can lead to obesity. The University of Chicago researchers found that sleeping for four hours a night for less than seven nights interferes with your ability to process and store carbs, and regulate hormone levels - - all of which may lead to premature aging. The purpose of good sleep is clear. REM sleep is the stage in which most people vividly dream. These periods of sleep typically start around 90 minutes after someone falls asleep and cycle every subsequent 90 minutes. REM sleep is important to the consolidation of information and the development of memories. Research has linked disruptions in REM sleep with an increased chance of obesity and risk of migraine. Developing good sleep habits and having a consistent pre-sleep routine can help people improve the quality of their REM sleep and the quality of their overall rest time. A healthy adult requires at least 7 hours of sleep per 24-hour period. Sleeping less than this reduces the number of REM sleep phases the person experiences. Certain medical conditions, such as sleep apnea, can affect sleep quality and impact REM sleep. Addressing these conditions may help improve the overall quality of sleep. Avoid alcohol before bedtime since moderate-to-high levels of alcohol intake before bed can reduce the number of REM sleep phases and delay entering the first REM phase. It is why you may feel tired with a hangover. It is advisable to avoid alcohol consumption in the hours immediately before bed. The Cleveland Clinic reports an increase in pandemic-related sleep disorder called insomnia. Getting a good night's rest under stressful conditions is hard enough, but sleeping well during an ongoing pandemic can feel impossible some nights. Stress elated insomnia due to the COVID19 (coronavirus) pandemic is called coronasomnia. Coronasomnia is more complicated than typical stress related sleeplessness because it is not just about the virus; it is also about everything else thatÕs changed because of the virus. Any type of stress is often the main trigger for insomnia, the difficulty falling asleep or waking up and having an inability to return to sleep. Because COVID has disrupted almost every aspect of our lives, from work, school, food supply chains, health issues, the ability to socialize, etc., it has increased the stress levels on individuals, families and co-workers. Stress levels skyrocketed during the pandemic for many reasons, including loneliness, economic hardships, juggling work and school and navigating parenting challenges. In the United Kingdom, a study published last year showed that the number of people experiencing insomnia increased from 1 in 6 to 1 in 4, while insomnia rates in China rose from 14.6 percent to 20 percent during the peak lockdown period. According to a study published in the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, there were 2.77 million Google searches for insomnia in the U.S. during the first five months of 2020, an increase of 58 percent over the same duration in the previous three years. The increase in sleep disturbances is due to increased stress and anxiety that the pandemic has brought on, including the impact of the uncertainty and the constant barrage of information we are exposed to at this time, researchers have concluded. Normal routines and level of daily activity have been disrupted to the point of negatively impacted sleep for many people. Is this part of the New Normal? Medical professionals believe people can lessen the impact of sleep deprivation by having better night time habits. For example, do not eat or drink just prior to going to bed. Do light exercise like stretching before going to bed. Turn off electronic devices when retiring to sleep. One method is to set your phone a silent and flip it over so the light of any notification does not wake you. Build in a pattern of the set time you go to bed and the set time you wake up. Do not skimp or skip on the hours of sleep. If you do, then try a 15 minute power nap during the day. Sleep is a vital part of good health and optimal function during your waking hours. As you get your much needed, revitalizing rest at night, your body actually goes through various sleep cycles. Each phase of sleep is important and beneficial to your body and mind, but REM sleep is especially fascinating because it increases brain activity, promotes learning, and creates dreams.
cyberbarf SQUID AMERICANO ENTERTAINMENT The Netflix hit, Squid Game, has announced a second season of the mind-bending violence of childhood games. Cyberbarf gives its suggestions for an Americanized version of the games of the Second Season: GAME ONE: RED ROVER Squid Game started off with the easy schoolyard classic of Red Light, Green Light. In our new version, the simple running game turns more physical with Red Rover. Two teams line up against each other. They cross arms to form a chain. They call over to an opponent, Red Rover! Red Rover! Come Over!! That player must then attempt to run through the arm chain. If he fails to do so, he is eliminated. If he breaks through the line, the two players who failed to stop him or her are eliminated. GAME TWO: JUMP ROPE The Korean puzzle game of Sugar Honeycomb, where a player tries to scrape out a shape from a sugar candy with a needle, was a nerve racking challenge. In our new version, the simple game is Jump Rope. But in our twist, the rope is made of barbed wire. The player must complete a set number of jumps or be eliminated. GAME THREE: DODGEBALL The universal Tug of War contest is replaced with the elementary school gym nightmare for some, Dodgeball. But in our version, two teams line up to play traditional dodgeball. But the dodge balls contain sharp spikes. Even if you catch a ball, you may be hurt. If you throw and hit an opponent, they will get hurt. The winning team survives and the losing team dies. GAME FOUR: HOT POTATO It may be the earliest childhood game kids play: Hot Potato. Instead of the one-on-one Marbles contest, a small group of players, maybe up to 4 or 5, sit in a circle and play Hot Potato. But the Hot Potato is actually a time bomb. Wen it explodes, the player holding it is literally out of the game. GAME FIVE: HOPSCOTCH The Glass Bridge or Stepping Stones is a high wire act of 50-50 probability. In our new version, a classic girl's game is the setting for traversing squares: Hopscotch. Usually drawn with chalk on the sidewalk in a 1-2-1-2-1 pattern of boxes, a player puts a pebble on a square that you cannot land on but on the return you have to pick it up to complete a round. In our version, the boxes are literally boxes containing mud, muck, bugs, with poisonous snakes moving about. It is a creepy, fear induced roadmap to hell. If a player slips and falls, they are eliminated. If they freak out and fail to find the pebble in the muck, they are eliminated. If they fail to complete the course in the time limit, they are eliminated. If they complete the course, but get bitten by a snake, stung by a scorpion or have bug nightmares in the dorm room, they may not survive the night. GAME SIX: CAPTURE THE FLAG The Korean push and shove game is replaced with a classic American kid combat battle: Capture the Flag. In this final game, each player has his own flag to protect (by hiding it in some manner where a portion is still visible to the naked eye) while at the same time have to capture his opponents' flags and take them to the victory circle to eliminate the opponent. But in this game, hand-to-hand combat is encouraged. Perhaps some weapons are hidden on the grounds. The last player standing wins. For some reason, it is pretty easy to turn childhood games into evil, combat, terror events. Enjoy.
cyberbarf FOUND BUT NOT LOST ON THE INTERNET South Korea's 4th Corona wave has the ICU nursing station full of patients. Many governments have tried to return to normal or Live with Covid mandates, but new variants and more international travel continues to spread the virus. Generally, people are tired of being told what to do when their businesses, finances, health and savings have all taken a terrible toll. Vaccinations are not a cure but a false hope for some who want to go back in time to 2019. Source: Chosun Ilbo Ever since The Jetsons, we have been wanting our flying cars. Renault has placed its classic 4 model into a drone car. It is experimental, but very steampunk cool. Source: Mentalfloss Police in Thailand told a young woman selling street food to cover up or get arrested. She was wearing a cardigan sweater attached with a safety pin. And nothing else underneath. In America, we know sex sells. It seems universal. Except in conservative countries. Olive was selling her traditional Thai pancakes in a food stall. Men came to her just to stare. One motorcyclist crashed his bike. A local official said she had to wear a bra and maintain social distancing. Source: Asia One
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cyberbarf STATUS |
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Question: Whether Korean content will remain in 2022 the hot entertainment content in USA? |
* Educated Guess * Possible * Probable * Beyond a Reasonable Doubt * Doubtful * Vapor Dream |
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