cyberbarf YOUR BOSS IS UNREAL FUTURISM When you press your order on your app for a food delivery or a shared ride to the airport, the dispatcher is not a human being but an algorithm or artificial intelligence (AI) program. The AI takes two inputs to match time, location and delivery destination without human intervention or thought. An Uber of Lyft driver is being supervised by a computer server. If there is a question, one may be lucky to find a call center employee located in India. When you order your late night pizza, you do not pick up the phone to talk to some tired, acne scarred teenager making the minimum wage. No, you order through your app all the toppings and size. You pay then wait for that tired, acne scarred teenager to show up at your door. Human interaction with other humans is slowly becoming a thing of the past. |
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But the trend is not confined to just delivery services. The miracle of AI is coming to all phases of daily life. Whether you want it or not. Companies now have the ability to track all the keystrokes of their office employees. Worker spyware has been around for a long time. It was first introduced by consulting firms as a means for management to track employee productivity. Numerous studies have indicated that there is a wide range of procrastination and personal time since the advent of the digital age. The internet has been integrated into all company work life. The Internet connection is also an open invitation to goof-off. The amount of time wasted by an employee surfing the Internet can be an hour to more than five depending upon the level of human supervision. As lifestyles change with more working parents, HR departments have allowed workers who can to work from home. A high speed Internet connection to the company servers is all that one needs to tele-commute. Again, any information going to and from the company hardware can be saved, monitored and plugged into productivity management software. A few employees are clueless when they come to their annual review to find a mountain of evidence against them for unproductive behavior. A person's digital fingerprint can be traced quite easily. The places visited, the amount of time at a site and whether the URL was the type banned by employee handbooks. Some clever employees often use their own personal smart phones to get around the employee spyware. But that may not help as the company could install a real time punch clock that keeps track of each individual employee's work station for activity (or the lack thereof). It is very hard to surf on your smart phone in one hand and accurately key click business reports with your other hand. |
One of the open questions is why are employees more productive but less productive at work? Employees are more productive because desk top computers are faster, more powerful and can crunch data with ease. What used to take an hour by hand could be assembled, printed and archived in a matter of minutes. Employees are more unproductive as a result of the free time created by the company's technology advances. Employees are then tempted to fill their new free time with things unrelated to work. How many office women surf nearby clothing stores an hour before lunch break in order to play their hour away from their desk? How many office men check their fantasy team stats on an hourly basis? There is a temptation to wander away from assigned tasks if you believe that you can easily finish them by the end of the work day. On a different dispatching front, technology companies continue to push for self-driving vehicles. The American trucking industry is pushing hard to autonomous driving vehicles as there continues to be a serious driver shortage. A long time ago, UPS installed GPS tracking boxes in their trucks. It was a move to gauge efficiency of driver delivery schedules. Drivers were then on the clock like a track and field star to perform their tasks within an allotted time frame. This data gave the company insight into how to design more efficient routes. But it did not stop delivery men tossing packages on the porch instead of ringing a door bell. Those minutes add up to a driver's overall efficiency score. Companies are enamored by the possibility that they can take the driver out of the equation. Amazon is testing drone delivery systems. Many experts think that is unfeasible or would have to be controlled by humans to avoid air disasters or damaged packages. Long haul trucking companies like the idea of having a computer program set the truck route from terminal A to terminal B to a cabover that contains just an AI driver. Currently, human truck drivers have to pass numerous CL tests and insurance requirements in order to drive big rigs. They are under strict time limits of how much they can actually be behind the wheel. Once they reach their limit, they have to pull off the side of the road to sleep. AI drivers would, in theory, have no sleep deprivation issues. But AI control is a safety issue. The amount of Tesla driver assist program errors is increasing as vehicle owners confuse the driver assistance tools for a computer chauffeur. As a result, owners have been killed or seriously injured by car crashes because they were not paying attention to the road. Experts agree that computers do not have the human eye reaction time when operating moving machinery. Computer sensors need to make comparison analysis each time something comes into their path. Human drivers have instantaneous recognition (if not impaired or distracted) to make immediate course corrections (out of habit and experience). Normal people may not realize that the large tractor trailer barreling behind them on the interstate may not recognize their white vehicle color as an actual object that it needs to avoid. (This was one real life example of an AI car not recognizing the side of a white panel truck which led to a collision.) At a certain point in time, we all will be at the mercy of technology. Futurists are beginning to send out alarms. They believe the general acceptance of AI control will be harmful and dangerous to mankind. Mechanical overlords were once deemed science fiction. But there is a clear trend that companies and governments are going to adopt more computer program controls of our daily lives. Acceptance of these controls appears to be like offering candy to a child. So many people are addicted to their personal technology apps to care. They are mesmerized the ease of access to information. They are thrilled by their ability not to get off their sofa to order dinner, go shopping, turning on the TV to watch a program or having a one-to-one, in person conversation. Laziness is the gateway for computer control of our lives. One final problem will arise. How can you talk back to your computer boss? The computer is a logic system programmed for limited responses. If it messes up directions, whose fault is it? How can it think outside the box when itself is the Box? Innovation may suffer as a result. Work place harmony could come into question. Management only has to change a few number dials to force new expectations on their employees. The socioeconomic impact of AI is still unknown, but the ramifications of how it can manifest itself in our daily lives is great. No one currently touting AI for Everything is aware of the Law of Unintended Consequences. |
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cyberbarf FOUND BUT NOT LOST ON THE INTERNET Kardashianism is the scourge of the Digital Age. How this clan can make a fortune and influence millions is mind-boggling. Recently, Kim decided to rake some cash off the current Naked Bikini craze. She started a new fashion line called a Kimono. However, that term was already taken by the colorful Japanese dress that has been a part of Asian culture for centuries. But that did not stop Kimmy from making headlines (which must fan her attention deficit gene) by saying she was not going to change her mind. Eventually, the PC culture police's cultural misappropriation mob got her to relent but only after the publicity subsided. Source: various websites
An unknown person had parked their Cadillac on a New York City street for 25 years. Twenty-five years without moving it. It sat there by the curb gathering dirt, grime and rust. It did have currently NY license plate stickers so it was still a registered vehicle. But after neighbors complained, the city decided to tow this legally parked car. Who knows if the city did the proper thing? Who knows what critters were living inside this open barn-find car? Source: Neatorama Sex dolls are becoming more widely available. Manufacturers have now given customers the ability to send in photographs so they can manufacture dolls with a human's appearance. The companies believe that this would give comfort to men who lost their spouses. However, this does not stop people from ordering their favorite celebrities faces. Korean netizens are outraged that a person can order their favorite K-pop idol as a life-sized sex doll. Korea recently passed a law which allows the importation of sex dolls into the conservative country. Netizens and fans have petitioned their President to repeal the law in order to protection the reputation of their artists. In South Korea, net outrage is a persistent and effective tool of public persuasion but it is not known whether it will work in this instance without clear artist objections against use of their image for illicit purposes. And since these are private transactions, it will be hard to enforce such future injunctions. Source: Allkpop |
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cyberbarf STATUS |
Question: Whether Illinois recent passage of expanded casino and sports betting laws solve the states fiscal problems? |
* Educated Guess * Possible * Probable * Beyond a Reasonable Doubt * Doubtful * Vapor Dream |
Question: Whether the President's constant Twitter feuds with members of Congress distract voters from the real issues of the 2020 campaign? |
* Educated Guess * Possible * Probable * Beyond a Reasonable Doubt * Doubtful * Vapor Dream |
Question: Whether the New York Times article and Pentagon admissions that it recently had a program studying UFO reports eventually lead to the truth about alien visitations to Earth? |
* Educated Guess * Possible * Probable * Beyond a Reasonable Doubt * Doubtful * Vapor Dream |
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