November, 2008 Vol. 8 No. 4 |
cyberbarf8.4 |
Berkeley Breathed has had three successive syndicated comic strips: Bloom County, Outland and Opus. It is a rare triple play for a cartoonist to have this much success over his career to have multiple comic strips that poke satire at current culture and politics. It was with some shock and remorse that the word came from Breathed that he would be discontinuing his Opus cartoon. He felt that the current state of affairs made it impossible or difficult for him to keep his psychotic talking penquin from going into the Dark Side. So he quit. But he announced to his readership that there would be a contest on how you believe the main character, Opus, would wind up at the end of the strip. Opus, was last scene in captivity at an animal control pound awaiting his fate.
Being an avid reader, I thought the last panel should have Opus being deported to Antarctica and read as follows:
Well, that's how I'd end the strip. It is cosmic timing that Breathed's announcement coincided with our own finishing of one Real News Komix strip, Rapter Agent. In the overset file is the last dozen or so episodes, including the finale. So I know what it is like to plan the demise of a comic strip, the options on how to rap up the storyline, or go out with a bang. The reason for ending this one strip instead of dangling it in the wind like dead websites is that I normally work in batches. I can sit down and crank out comic after comic if I have the time. But time is becoming increasingly short and a valuable non-internet commodity. I think that is what happens to many webmasters who have their sights updated daily, then weekly, then monthly, then sporatic, until they sit as a peeling billboard after a year.
But the creative therapy of doing cartoons will not be lost. The story arc for the other cyberbarf comic, Dr. Philistine, is also almost fully completed in the overset drawer. However, the Doc may get a second run if time is any factor. There are a lot of strange things inside the internet culture.
Even if that fails to inspire, there are scraps of paper with ideas thrown about my home desk, including a potential series that explores a dark side of the net. Comic strips are more defined that the quick hit, one panel editorial cartoons (iToons) that make a quick statement on a specific subject. Comics attempt to dwell on character development and interaction with a series of situations in order to draw out consequences. There are consequences to a creator for not developing a strong outline at the beginning, or not ending the strip before it turned on itself.
The problem with staying current in a mad world is that the real news items in the mad world is outstripping the pace of its possible satire. Newspaper and magazines that feature editorial cartoons are quickly being displaced by hit-and-run videos on YouTube or email chain jokes of the day being spammed throughout the office cubicals. You can make anything a reality in the YouTube 15 minute of fame: from dumb stunts to blistering political satire of the candidates.
Breathed said that he will now devote himself to more of his original children's books. We will continue to doodle because it is cheaper than an actual therapist.
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YES. opined that the Drudge Report has lost its edge as being the daily news portal. Drudge made his name during the Clinton Administration for having an close source with reliable double hearsay on the affair of Bill Clinton. He used those inside scoops to propel his simple idea of linking headlines to various publisher content throughout the web, into a site of primary destination for political wonks, news junkies, and gossip hounds. Critics claimed that Drudge used his own personal bias to create his own slant on the news so as to influence the secondary news spin and news cycle for stories. Drudge has lost his standing not because he has changed his business model. He has lost standing because the internet has changed. He must now compete with newpaper web sites, an infinite number of bloggers and a YouTube generation of non-readers. His influence, if any, has been diluted by the shear number of new sites targeted directly at his loyal audience, including the Huffington Post, Salon, the Daily Beast, politico and daily newspaper beat writers who have blogs or twitter side bars.
NO. The Drudge Report maintains its own unique style. First and foremost, the site is a news portal. Drudge is condensing the national wire into a digestable menu for the average person with little time to spend surfing for news stories. Second, as being the first news portal to be successful, the formula has tried to be repeated but in the end, Drudge still gets props for disseminating explosive news stories that the national press finds too hot to handle. Third, the public sees the Drudge site more like a utility than a content provider; a pre-arranged search engine without the search down time. As a depository of links to information, and occasional news breaker of his own reporting, over time he has become a credible source of news - - - on par with the established old traditional media.Fourth, he still breaks news stories. Then the major news carriers must play catch up during the 24 hour news cycle to report it, analysis it, or at times, debunk it. Drudge has spun a simple news portal into a destination place on the web. If you look on anyone's personal computer, it is more likely than not that in the top five bookmarks there is the Drudge Report.
There is a social virtual reality game in Japan called Maple Story. Apparently, it mimicks the social interaction of real life circumstances in a major multiplayer environment like Second Life.
The story goes that a young woman in Japan plays the game. She finds a male counterpart. During the course of their gamesmanship, they agree to get married . . . within the content of the virtual game.
Whether that is the point of the game engine is debatable. For after a concourse of blissful interaction, the woman one day logs into the game sphere to find that she had been unceremoniously divorced by her cyberhusband.
There is a universal saying: Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.
Most on-line games are the special ops, shoot em up, kill or be killed bloody battle graphics that the kids crave like candy. It is logged in under the principle of pure escapism; fantasy. Not to be taken seriously.
However, the virtually divorced woman in Japan took her dumping very seriously. She did not contact the cyberhusband in real life. It is clear that they never met in person. There entire relationship came from on-line interaction. She did not confront her ex. No, she decided to get even.
She logged in under his game password or access codes and terminated the relationship.
She logged in and murdered his avatar.When he found out that his avatar was gone, virtually murdered, he was quite upset. He called the police.
The police charged the woman with unauthorized access to personal information and damage to personal property. She could face fines or a jail sentence. All over what happened in a virtual social networking game.
This shows the blur between people believing the internet is merely a game and the real life consequences of the law outside the game. Even within the parameters of the game, the laws of a civil society will control. Those laws may not be in the game rules, but certain behavior - - - criminal - - - will still get prosecuted even though the crime is committed solely on the internet.
Question: Whether the Apple iPhone will replace the Blackberry as the electronic personal assistant in corporate America?
* Educated Guess
* Possible
* Probable
* Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
* Doubtful
* Vapor Dream
Question: Whether Google's Android phone will be a weak little sister to the Apple iPhone?
* Educated Guess
* Possible
* Probable
* Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
* Doubtful
* Vapor Dream
Question: Whether the use and misuse of the internet during the U.S. election will result in federal indictments for voter fraud or illegal campaign contributions to the candidates?
* Educated Guess
* Possible
* Probable
* Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
* Doubtful
* Vapor Dream
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